An Automated Framework for Cybersecurity Attribution and Artefact Relationship Identification

Nov 20, 2023 3:00 PM
ETSI Informáticos, UPM, Madrid, Spain

I’m thrilled to announce that my PhD Defense is finally happening! It’s been a road of hard work, long hours, and many cups of tea, but I’m grateful for the opportunity to share my research with the world. 🤓 🕵‍♀️

Would you live in peace knowing that criminals go unpunished after committing felonies? So why should we settle for less on the internet? In the thesis, I focus on this problem, proposing a novel automated approach for cybersecurity attribution. The approach is centered around the generation of an attribution graph where nodes correspond to either digital artifacts (e.g., IP addresses, domains, and mobile apps) or identities (e.g., person names, usernames, and organization names), and edges capture which indicator identified another indicator. The key achievement is that the automation of the attribution graph construction reduces the cost of the attribution process. If you want to know more about it, I encourage you to either attend the defense or reach out to me and stay in touch!

I’m proud to have reached this milestone and look forward to taking my passion for cybersecurity and attribution to new heights. Thank you to everyone who has supported me along the way. I can’t wait to see what the future holds!

Silvia Sebastián
Silvia Sebastián
Cybersecurity Researcher

I am a Cybersecurity Researcher in IMDEA Software Institute with seven years of experience in Attribution, Web Security, and Cyber Intelligence.